How Can IDS Help You?

Observe your classroom and provide feedback on any aspect of the lesson...Sub for you so you can do cross-curricular collaboration...Do the grunt work of finding an app or technology to make your classroom life easier...Teach you technology...Brainstorm with you...Help with planning...Troubleshoot a problem...Connect you to resources, teachers or ideas that can help you...Help organize classroom systems to help your class run smoothly...Be a sounding board

Monday, August 29, 2016

IDS Weekly Goal: Aug 28 2016

We are so excited to begin a new school year with our amazing staff.  In the next week we will have initial meetings with all NWJH teachers to establish a purpose and direction for our year.  Instructional Design Strategists are here to serve YOU.  We want to know your feedback: what do you need from us? How can we help?  What would like us to do or do differently?  As always, contact us with any questions.  Talk to you soon. --Anah & Seth